得到 更多的 在Arbor Financial工作的机会

At Arbor our purpose statement is: to grow the financial well-being of our members. 我们的核心价值观是:携手合作. 做正确的事. 要有创意. 玩得开心. 在你工作的地方,得到更多你喜欢的东西.

任何人都可以融入. 我们要找的是能脱颖而出的人.

确定, 在申请Arbor金融信用合作社的工作时,有金融背景是有帮助的. 但除此之外, we’re looking for people who have a passion to help others, 谁为了正确的理由做正确的事, 谁会跳出思维定势, 他们喜欢在这个过程中享受乐趣! 我们寻找的是那些善于分享创新想法的人——那些敢于面对巨大挑战并将其视为巨大机遇的人. Does this sound like the type of job you’re looking for in Southwest Michigan? 那就加入我们的队伍吧.  






Arbor连续数年荣获全国和西密歇根州最佳和最聪明的公司奖. We’ve earned that distinction by having great culture, 一流的效益, work-life balance and a focus on career development. 在下面了解更多让我们变得伟大的东西. 


Arbor Financial的员工通过蓝十字/蓝盾健康计划获得一些最好的医疗保险. 除了我们特殊的医疗计划, 全职员工获得视力, 牙科, 灵活开支帐户(FSA), 健康储蓄账户(HSA), 自愿人寿保险, 短期和长期残疾保险, 学费报销. 

不管你是全职还是兼职, 你将享受带薪假期, 生病的时间, 假期, 还有你的生日带薪休假. Arbor Financial的员工在社区做义工也可以获得报酬. 我们团队的每个成员都可以通过购买宠物保险的选择获得更多的好处, discounts on Arbor Financial loans and financial products, along with complimentary access to our Employee Assistance Program.


  • 健康、视力和牙科保险计划 
  • 自愿人寿保险范围
  • 灵活的支出计划 
  • 健康储蓄帐户 
  • 贷款及零售产品折扣*
  • 401(k)与100%公司匹配*
  • 学费报销 
  • 假期和病假* 
  • 带薪假期* 
  • 短期和长期残疾保险 
  • 员工援助计划* 
  • 内部培训计划* 
  • 生日带薪休假 
  • 带薪义工时间* 

*These benefits are available to both full-time and part-time staff.


Arbor Financial is invested in the development of our employees. 我们是一家不断成长的公司,拥有频繁的晋升机会,我们喜欢从内部提拔员工. 如果你想找一份长期的工作, 我们将投资于您的个人和职业发展,帮助您实现您的梦想-在工作和家庭. If you’re looking to earn a paycheck while you finish your degree, we’ll help you develop the skills you need to take your career to the next level.

We equip employees to 得到 更多的 growth through initiatives such as:

  • A three-day 新 Employee Orientation to acclimate all employees to our culture, followed by comprehensive new hire training within your department
  • 我们的年度员工充实日,旨在激励和授权员工做到最好
  • 阿伯大学, 这是一个虚拟学习平台,包括个人网赌最好最大平台家等职位的相关年度培训和职业发展轨道, 分行经理兼信贷员
  • 为初级员工提供技能培养的机会,比如成为同行教练或加入一个特殊的项目委员会,与跨部门的高级团队成员一起工作
  • Quarterly management check-ins to keep your needs and development at the forefront


We love to work together, do the right thing and have fun! We go out of our way to hire people who are positive and personable, and it shows. 当你加入Arbor团队时, you can expect your work day to be made enjoyable by friendly interactions, 随机的鼓励便条, 通过我们的识别网站获得徽章和电子卡, 部门聚餐和紧密团结的团队. While our employees tend to organically initiate fun on their own, Arbor also sponsors official activities to incorporate fun into the workplace, 包括:

  • Quarterly "Have Fun" events like family day at the 卡拉马祖 Growlers, 在当地餐馆喝饮料、吃开胃小菜,或者在总部参加快餐车集会
  • 万圣节服装比赛
  • 节日聚会和游戏
  • 跨部门比赛
  • Feel Good Friday virtual discussions about engaging topics


在员工的帮助下,我们精心制定了一个满足员工需求的健康计划. 通过这个项目, we provide education and resources that help our employees enjoy an overall healthy and active life; by focusing on physical, 精神, 以及财务状况. We achieve this through monthly fitness challenges with generous prizes, 营养类, 吸引人的活动!


了解整个组织、战略目标和整体成功. You will have access to in-depth reports regarding your department, 组织内其他部门, 以及Arbor Financial的整体健康状况. 透明度是我们的头等大事,我们希望您能参与进来,并了解我们的会员增长情况以及产品的全面使用情况.



我们对公司文化充满热情,并努力建立一个健康的工作场所. As a result, we’ve been recognized with several workplace excellence awards. 我们收到了最好的 & 最优秀公司奖,无论是在西密歇根还是在全国范围内.

2019年,我们是第一家被商业促进局授予火炬道德奖的信用合作社. 我们非常自豪我们的会员服务的道德方法得到认可,并希望激励其他组织跟随我们的领导.

在这里工作就像拥有了第二个家. 不要相信我们? 听听我们员工的意见.

“我选择Arbor是因为我希望我的下一个职业道路是在一家以人为本的公司. 我们提供了很多不同的选择,可以帮助我们的会员实现他们的财务目标. No one product will fit everyone, and here at Arbor, we have something for everyone! We also try very hard to help everyone that comes to our door. 我们不可能每次都说“好”,但我们会尽我们所能去寻找让我每一天都开心的“好”!"


"Arbor, or ECCU back then, gave me an opportunity at a new life. They took a chance on hiring me, and it changed the course of my career. They have been massively supportive of me and my growth and development, and I try to repay that every day I come to work. 我喜欢在这里工作!"


“我从一家储蓄和贷款机构开始工作,并意识到我喜欢为社区中的人们服务. A former employee told me about Arbor and how amazing it was to work there. 一个信贷员的职位空缺,我申请了. 阿伯非常适合我的职业道路. Over the 22 years at Arbor, I have seen how positively we can affect members’ lives. We offer amazing products and services to our members. 我工作中最喜欢的部分是与Arbor团队一起开发这些产品和服务,因为我知道它们对我们的成员有多大的帮助."


“我喜欢在这里工作! 当我们想出解决成员问题的办法时,看到他们的脸放松或发光,这是非常有趣的. 在这里工作最大的好处就是可以和同事们在一起! They are all so competent, and we all genuinely care about each other. 最近有个同事对我说, “如果这对你很重要的话, 这对我们很重要,当我提到我很高兴他们都参加了我发起的健康竞赛时. It made me so happy to hear that and warmed my heart. 我很高兴我有这份工作. 我也很喜欢这些成员. 最近, 我们的一个老会员叫道, “我爱我的网赌最好最大平台,’ for no significant reason; she just genuinely enjoys coming in to see us. 我非常喜欢它!"


“我申请了在Arbor工作, as I had several friends that worked here already, 他们都说那有多棒. 我想,能听到不同部门的不同员工的溢美之词,真是太棒了. 我的工作中最好的部分是与我们的会员一起工作,使他们拥有一个家的梦想成为现实!"


"Arbor is simply the best financial institution to work for! We truly are valued, respected and fully engaged in the success of Arbor!"


“我喜欢在Arbor Financial工作,因为我们真的是在帮助别人. We are always looking for the latest and greatest ways to meet our members' needs."


“In my 40-year career, the last 11 years have been the greatest! 最好的成员,最好的同事,最好的管理! This is by far the best place I have ever worked!”


“It is easy to come to work every day, when you love the peeps you work with!”

